• Life

    What’s Up Wednesday: January 2017 Edition

    Hi friends! I know that this is very similar to my currently post yesterday, but I’ve been wanting to get back into posting regularly for What’s Up Wednesday so I’m going to start this month (and try not to duplicate too much information from yesterday), and continue on with this series every last Wednesday of each month.

    WUW Questions

    What we’re eating this week:

    This past week has been a lot of bad eating habits, but in our defense it was our birthdays this weekend! We also have been eating very heavy meals, I guess because it’s been cold out and we have been just wanting some comfort food. Either way, I’m hoping to jump back on the healthy eating train and really work on cleaning up our diet a little bit more over this next week or two.

    What I’m reminiscing about:

    Always, always reminiscing about our tropical vacations when we’re in the cold, dreary months of winter. What I wouldn’t do to hop on a plane and be back in the Bahamas or the Dominican right now!

    What I’m loving:

    All the freeeeedom I have now that I’m not working full-time. It’s been so fun to be able to plan whatever I’d like into my day without worrying about being too tired or busy to really get done what I need to get done around the house. I’m also really loving having more time to spend cooking and cannot wait to really dive into it and cook more nutritious meals.

    What we’ve been up to:

    Celebrating a lot this month! We celebrated our birthdays this past weekend (like I mentioned yesterday) and our 8 month anniversary on my birthday. I plan to write a post just about what we did to celebrate this week so keep a heads up for that if you’re interested!

    What I’m dreading:

    I’m not really dreading anything at the moment, which is a great thing!

    What I’m working on:

    Learning how to post consistently here! It’s been tough keeping a Monday-Friday schedule but it’s stretching me and teaching me more about discipline too. I’m hoping to continue to push myself slightly out of my comfort zone and write about things that I think will be helpful to others, like marriage advice that I’ve learned.

    What I’m excited about:

    Just the season of life that we are in. It comes with a lot of freedom and flexibility and I’m really learning how to just enjoy the season instead of wishing things were different. There are of course some hard things, as there is with any thing, but I’m really trying to just enjoy and focus on this season because all too soon it will be over before I know it.

    I mentioned this yesterday too but I’m really excited about doing more research to open up an Etsy shop. The first thing I want to work on is this awesome mug. What’d you guys think?

    What I’m watching/reading:

    As I mentioned yesterday I’m reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and For The Love and I’m really enjoying both of them. I just need to devote more time to actually reading instead of working on the computer.

    We’ve also been watching Parenthood and it’s such a great show. Easily one of my all time favorites, and were only on Season 2!

    What I’m listening to:

    Honestly not much since I don’t even really drive all that much and that was when I would normally listen to music. Sometimes I’ll put on music when I’m cleaning or doing the dishes but for the most part it doesn’t really cross my mind.

    I have been wanting to get into Podcasts though so let me know of some suggestions!

    What I’m wearing:

    Lots and lots of comfy clothes since I’m home most of the time now. I actually really need to go shopping for something nicer than sweatpants, but not quite as nice as I needed to dress in the corporate world so I have things to wear without staying in my pajamas all day.

    What I’m doing this weekend:

    Honestly not the slightest clue. Maybe we’ll plan to have some friends over since it’s been a while since we’ve done that!

    What I’m looking forward to next month:


    Our first married Valentines Day! We don’t usually go big for Valentines Day or anything but since it’s our first one married I’m sure we’ll do something. Maybe we’ll order a heart-shaped pizza! I’ve seen some people do that and it seems like so much fun!

    What else is new:

    Transitioning over to being a stay at home wife this month was huge. There have been some ups and downs but I’m still very much excited about the newness of it. Tommy and I have had so much more free time together and it’s been great. We’ve actually have had two unexpected days of him being off due to a holiday or the weather and we’ve gotten to spend all day during the week together so it’s been super fun!

    What’s up with you guys? I’m linking up with Shay, Shaeffer, and Mel for What’s Up Wednesday!