Baby,  Life

Baby’s First Beach Day!

On Saturday we had our first family beach day! It was honestly so much fun. We are even debating on going back this weekend because we had so much fun. Not to mention we want to soak up all of the good weather before it starts getting too cold.

We decided to leave around Shane’s first nap time so that hopefully he would sleep all of the way down. It was about a 1.5 hour drive to not too bad. This part of our trip was the only time we had a bump in the road. We had to stop for breakfast and the food store for lunch. My plan was to nurse Shane in the car after we ran those errands so that he would go right to sleep.

Shane had other plans though, ha! He was way to distracted to nurse so after trying for a little while I just gave up and decided I would just have to stop on the way at a rest stop and nurse him then. So we left and this did not make Shane happy one bit. He had a breakdown because he was so tired and didn’t want to sleep. We had to pull off an exit on the highway and I had to nurse him in a random parking lot lol. He fell asleep right after and I put him in his car seat and off we went!

He did end up sleeping all the way down though so that was great. We ended up getting there around noon, which wasn’t too bad. We decided to walk the boardwalk for a bit, then head to the beach.

We spent most of our day on the beach and we got to put Shane’s toes in the water and sand and see how he liked it. He was having such a good time! It made Tommy and I so happy to see how much he was enjoying our favorite place.

We even got him to take a nap on the beach, which was the cutest thing ever.

After spending most of the day at the beach we decided to pack up and go for one last walk before leaving.

We left around 6 and made it home by 7:45. It was such a fun little successful getaway. I’m so glad we had the time to do this as a family!