• Life

    5 Things That Bring Me Joy

    Blog-tember Day 7. I missed a day yesterday but can we all just agree that blogging every day is hard. To all you guys who haven’t missed a day – you all are the real MVPs. Anyways, today’s topic is 5 things that give me joy! Easy!


    Hearing a sermon that was exactly what my heart needed. There is nothing that gives me more joy than knowing God cares for me and meets me right where I am. These sermons encourage me like nothing else and show me that God always is there even when it feels like He isn’t.


    The beach. I seriously love sitting in the sun reading a good book, hearing the ocean break against the shore, and feeling the ocean breeze. perfection. if you need me Saturday, that’s where I’ll be.


    Following a challenging recipe and having it come out awesome, especially when my husband tells me it’s awesome ;). There’s not much more satisfying than that.


    Reading a really good book. Either one that gives you all the feels, like you can completely relate or just one that is completely unexpected and awesome. Those are always the best.


    Coffee. And that awesome productive drive you have when you drink coffee at just the right time and get all the work done.

    I could honestly go on and on. There are plenty more things that give me joy. Maybe I’ll have to write another (more extensive) blog post about all the things that bring me joy. What brings you joy?