• Faith,  Life

    Facing My Biggest Fear

    Hi friends. I wanted to write a post and elaborate on what I wrote about yesterday when I mentioned that I had faced one of my biggest fears. Back when I first started this blog, I used to write a lot about just how I was feeling and things I was going through and how God showed up in the midst of it all. Just because I am writing more and trying to grow my blog, I don’t want to stop documenting the very real things that God is doing in my life. I feel like these are sometimes the most important things to write about too because even though they may not be the most popular, sharable posts, they are important because they hopefully show others just how real the God that I love is. I hope by sharing personal testaments to how God shows up in my life, it encourages you, and shows you that God cares about you as well.

    Yesterday when I mentioned that I faced my biggest fears, I literally meant that I went to a pulmonologist (lung doctor). Sounds silly and not at all what you were expecting I’m sure. I’ve actually written a little bit here on this already but if you don’t already know, I have struggled with health anxiety for the past two years. (I’ve written about it here, here, and here if you are interested in a little bit more of the back-story.) When I wrote that last post about how God had healed me of my health anxiety I should have named it Part One, but little did I know there was a whole other part to it that was lurking just around the corner.

    So long story short, I have struggled with fearing that I was going to get very sick or that I already was very sick for the past two years. It all started when I developed a cough two years ago that wouldn’t go away. I ended up at my regular doctors who couldn’t figure out what was wrong and sent me to a pulmonologist. The fear was very real while going through this all and the pulmonologist really didn’t ease my fears at all. He basically told me I was okay but without really giving me an explanation as to why I had the cough to begin with. What I should have done back then was get a second opinion because I didn’t have peace with his answer, but I was too afraid, and just wanted to believe the doctor so I didn’t. This was a very bad idea though because even though I wanted to believe the doctor, my anxiety just didn’t. I was still so convinced that something bad was going to happened and my biggest fear was that I had cancer.

    Over the course of the next two years my anxiety came and went depending on my life circumstances. If there were more pressing issues going on in my life, I put worrying about my health on the back-burner. When there wasn’t much else to worry about, or if I got sick in any way, my anxiety would flare up and all I could think about was what if I had cancer. I know that this sounds so silly to some I’m sure, even now writing it out, it seems so simple, just go back to the doctor if you’re worried, that’s definitely what I should have done but I was just so fearful of what if they did find something, I just didn’t think I could handle it. So instead I worried about it from time to time.

    Fast forward to about two weeks ago, my anxiety about it flared up yet again, but this time if felt like nothing would relieve it. It was getting worse and worse it seemed every time it would come back. It also got to the point where it was really affecting not only my life, but my husband’s as well. I would tell him I would do something and then my anxiety would flare up and I would think that I was sick so I would be too afraid to go out or do whatever. When my insanely patient, always loving husband got frustrated with me this past weekend, I knew I had to do something drastic to make it all stop. I had to face my fears head on and go back to the doctor to find out once and for all if I was really sick or not.

    So that brings us back around to this week, Monday to be specific, when I had made the appointment to see another pulmonologist. I honestly was terrified and tried to cancel the appointment because I felt like I couldn’t handle it, but the website I had used to make the appointment wouldn’t let me cancel it online (probably because it was the day of the appointment) and I really did not want to call and cancel, so I went.

    And let me tell you I am so happy that I did. It changed everything for me. The doctor took so much time to really sit and try to figure out what could be wrong and really gave me the feeling that she cared, which made all the difference. She reassured me that there was nothing serious wrong, that I had been dealing with this for too long for it to be anything serious like cancer. She said it was just something that was an annoyance more than anything, and that we would try to figure out what it could be, but that there was nothing to worry about and not to lose sleep over it.

    Let me just tell you that before I went to the appointment I had read Habakkuk in my bible. I’m currently reading through it from start to finish and just happened to be a this point, so completely full of anxiety, I was asking God for help to get through this and I open my bible to this book. It’s only 5 chapters, and it’s about someone who is crying over what is happening to Israel because God is allowing them to be punished for their sins, and the person writing it is feeling as if God is not there because of the horrible things that are happening. Then right about in the middle of the book there are a few verses about how God won’t let you suffer forever and how his mercies are new every morning, and that his compassions never fail. You guys I just lost it. This book felt like I could relate so much. I felt like God had been ignoring my cries for help over the past two years to take these pains and worries away. But in that moment while I was crying out to him I felt him say, “Ashley go to the doctor so that I can show you that you’re healthy and that there’s nothing to worry about”. My anxiety honestly didn’t just go away and I wasn’t even sure if that was really God saying that or just my own mind, but after the appointment, I just knew it had been God.

    If you ever feel like God is ignoring you, I know how frustrating and hard that is. Every time I was worried about being sick, and had a physical symptom of being sick too, like that chronic cough, I would pray and ask God for help and to take it away. But it took time and it took me stepping out in faith to really have peace. Sometimes we need to take part in our own healing and listen to whatever God might be trying to tell us to do. Even if we’re afraid. But the best part is, even if we can’t or won’t listen right at that time, God is so gentle and loving with us and he will be there when we are ready.

    Thanks for reading this all if you made it to the end. 😉 I just wanted to keep my blog as real as I could and continue to write about what God is teaching me. I also hope that this encourages someone who might feel like God isn’t there for them. Let me know if there is anyway I can be praying for you if you can relate to any part of my story.

  • Faith,  Life

    A Huge Announcement: I’m Unemployed

    Hi friends. I just dropped by to tell you guys about a huge change in my life. God is doing something crazy and shaking my world up. As of this week, I am currently unemployed. To me this is a very scary journey that I am about to go on. I have always prided myself on how productive I am. Whether it be working full-time and going to school full-time, or planning a wedding in less than 6 months, while working full-time, or working full-time and trying to be an awesome wife, I’ve always prided myself on how much stuff I can do, and do well.

    And in turn I have gotten my worth from these things as well. God is really trying to pull back the curtain on this, and let me tell you, it has been hard to see behind that. I have been riddled with anxiety and stress since making the choice to quit my job, but I know that God is asking me to lay this down at his feet and watch him do something amazing.

    Ever since I got married, I have been struggling with anxiety, more so in the last two to three months, which I have written about a lot since then. I believe this is because I have felt the pressure of trying to be good enough, working so hard at work and also at home, that I have started to lose myself in the process.

    I have felt God asking me to leave my job for the past couple months in different ways. But when I was offered a full-time position at my current company, I just couldn’t understand how a blessing like that could not be from God. But now that I look back on it, I think it could have been a test, to see what are my priorities. I chose wrong, and wanted to be a great wife, and great worker, all while chasing these things, and leaving behind my relationship with God.

    But I finally heard him speak clearly to me at church on the Christmas Eve services we went to, and he asked me if I was willing to inconvenience myself for him. Was I willing to choose a path that others might laugh at, or a path where others might think I’m lazy? Was I willing to live counter-culturally? Don’t get me wrong, like I said before, I am terrified, but I am stepping out in faith and knowing that God is going to show up because He always does.

  • Faith

    4 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety

    Can I let you guys in on a little secret? I’ve mentioned it here a few times in passing but never really am too open with it. I struggle with anxiety. There I said it. I struggle with it a lot sometimes. Ever since getting married my anxiety has gotten a lot worse and I’m not really sure why. I think a lot has to do with me not being in control and that just downright scares me. The past few days though have been rough. Sometimes I literally feel like I’m lost at sea. Sounds like a funny analogy but for those of you who also struggle with anxiety maybe can relate. The thing that confuses me the most is that I feel like God has been insanely good to me in this season and this seems to be the hardest season yet. I just listened to an old sermon from my church on anxiety and it seems to have helped a little bit. I wrote a list of things that I am going to do when anxiety strikes to help and hopefully these might be able to help some of you as well.

    Tips for Overcoming Anxiety:

    1. Pray. Come before God and share your heart with Him. Tell Him your fears and just pour out everything on your mind. Sometimes this alone will help ease some anxiety. “Cast your cares on Him because He cares for you.” Also lay down your control as best you can. Recognize that God is a good father and you can trust Him. He’s brought you this far and will not leave you now.
    2. Memorize His Promises. This was sometimes I picked up from the sermon I just listened too. If you have time, I would suggest also listening to it too. The link is here, it helped me to remember the greatest thing we can do to battle anxiety is to fight back by memorizing God’s promises to us and also by transforming our minds by reading God’s word.
    3. Eat Healthy. For me this is going to mean to participate in the Whole 30 Challenge. But for you that might just mean eating more fruits and veggies. Do something to make yourself feel good. Eating good food always helps me feel more healthy and can in turn help with anxiety.
    4. Exercise or get active. Again this may mean something very different for each person. For one it might mean going on walks every night after dinner to clear your head. For others it might mean hitting the gym three times a week or going for a hike. Whatever it means to be a little more active for you – just do it. Don’t buy the lie that you’re too busy to be just a little more active. It is so important when it comes to mental health. I’m committed to going for runs or at least walks every day just to try to get outside my thoughts. So far it seems to be helping.

    These are just a few ideas that might help with anxiety. If you struggle with anxiety too – what are some things that help you? I could use all the help I can get over here.

  • Faith,  Life

    Real Life

    Have you ever woken up and wondered how your life ever got to be where it is? Good or bad. I woke up thinking that what God has done in my life is honestly just too good to be true. I felt like someone was going to walk into my new apartment and tell me that the joke is over now and that I have to go back home. I’ve been so excited to move out and get married and now that God is actually allowing it to happen it honestly feels too good to be true.

    Tommy and I had a long conversation after that about faithful God has been through this whole situation. I remember a time when we would sit and talk about how we needed God to show up when we told our friends and families about getting engaged. We really needed their support through it all and every single one of our friends and family members were so excited for us and that was only the beginning.

    Next came Tommy’s job. We prayed and wished for almost a year for Tommy’s dad to get him a job at the quarry where him and his brother work as welders. We knew that this was an essential part of Tommy and I being able to provide for ourselves. We knew that God would provide for us but we were worried it might be in a different way than we were envisioning for ourselves. So we prayed and hoped that this was the way that God was leading us and it turned out that we were right and that it was where God was leading us and it’s been amazing to see God open those doors for Tommy.

    Just when you think it’s over and that God did enough amazing things, He even blessed my work search. I was laid off in March and also knew that I needed to find a job so that we could continue to save for the wedding and to eventually be able to provide for ourselves when we moved out. It only took about a month of looking and I found a job – that paid more than my last one. It is only a temporary job but it’s just what I needed at the time and for that I am forever grateful. I know that when it comes time to look for another job again, when this assignment is over that He will provide in just the right way that our new little family needs.

    And so with all that being said maybe others can see why I feel that my life is just too good to be true. I want to tell everyone I meet how faithful God is and to know that He can and will do this for others too because He loves and cares for us. What about you guys? Has God ever shown up in such a way that you couldn’t believe that this was your life? Or do you have trouble believing that God could care about you in this way like I once did?

  • Faith,  Life

    Learning what it means to be a Christian

    Good morning! I’ve been up since 5 am and I already feel so accomplished (and a bit sleepy as well). I’ve been working on getting up early to have some more “me” time. It was actually one of my goals for April, although I did not have the time to post them here. It’s still a work in progress but I’m getting there and that’s what’s important. Once the wedding is over I feel like I’ll have so much more time to do things. Speaking of the wedding – it’s in just 17 days whaaaat?! God is just too good you guys.

    But anyways I don’t want this post to just be another ramble train about how excited I am to get married. I’d like to actually attempt to form a coherent message to share with whoever may be reading this. It’s something I’ve been struggling with/learning, like many of my posts tend to be.

    The thing that has been most on my mind lately is what exactly is God asking of me. Of all of us really. I used to think I knew what that was, I used to just try my best to follow all His rules and not try to sin too much and I thought for a while that that was the point of being a Christian but I’m not too sure now. I do think that is a huge part of it – by making an effort to follow God with our lives it shows Him and others where our hearts are. It’s my favorite way to love God. But lately that just doesn’t feel like enough. I feel like I’m missing something when it comes to following God.

    I’m not completely sure what that might be (if you feel like you might have a handle on this clue me in on what I’m missing?). But I think God wants more for us than just to set goals after goals (even though those are definitely good things). Maybe what I’ve been missing is I just need to love more. That’s sure what it feels like. Love my friends more. Love my family more. Love strangers more. I’m just not quite to sure what that looks like. I want to glorify God with everything I do and I think part of that is loving others well. I think that’s what I want to work on for the rest of the year – showing others the love of the father. I think that’s what it truly means to be a Christian.

    What does being a Christian mean to you? Have you ever sat down to really dwell on it like I have? What did you come up with? I’d love to know!

  • Book Reviews

    What I Read: February

    what i read february
    I’m happy to say that I have kept up with my reading this past month. I seriously am loving all the time I have to read because it’s so refreshing to take a tiny break from real life and get lost in a book. It seems this next month too I’ll have some free time seeing as I still don’t have a job lined up. Womp. But I’m trying not to get discouraged and know that in God’s timing I’ll find one. PS. I can’t wait until I don’t have to visit Indeed.com ever again though. Okay on to the books:

    The Daylight Marriage

    the daylight marriage

    2 out of 5

    I read this in the beginning of February and I have the worst memory when it comes to books and movies so I honestly don’t remember exactly what happened but I remember not liking it. It was like taken but a lot less entertaining.

    Best Friends Forever

    best friends forever.jpg

    4 out of 5

    This one was great. It’s about two women who were best friends in high school but stopped being friends at the end of it because of a huge fight they had. One day when they’re 30 one of the women shows up on the other’s doorstep with blood on her coat saying she needs help. This book really kept me interested and it was a really great story.



    5 out of 5

    This book was my favorite this month for sure. It was about three women who are going through really difficult things – one has cancer, one found out her husband cheated on her right when she found out that they were pregnant after trying for years, and the other was fired for her job for sleeping with a student. They all are living in a summer house on the beach for the summer, and it makes you long for the summer and the warm weather.



    5 out of 5

    This book gave me all the feels. It is insanely heart wrenching and all you want to do is get to the end to know everything is going to be okay. The way Kayla Aimee writes is outstanding and she throws in humor in such a way that makes you just simply not able to put this book down. I read it in about 24 hours I believe. It’s so sad but so amazing at the same time.

    Changes That Heal

    changes that heal

    4 out of 5

    This looks like the only “faith” book I’ve read this month. I try to read both a “story” book and a “faith” book I can learn from at the same time. This book was HARD to get through. It’s hard because it’s teaching us all the things we do wrong when it comes to relating to both God and others. It was extremely helpful and eye opening but definitely a difficult read. I did a review of a few chapter here if you’re interested.

    What Alice Forgot

    what alice forgot.jpg

    4 out of 5

    This book was hard to get into. It took me about half the book to really get hooked. I read this one because I heard a lot of good things about it but I was a little disappointed. The main character Alice wakes up from hitting her head and quickly learns that she has forgotten the last 10 years. She just took so long before really getting answers about what was going on in her life and I found it maddening. If I woke up and couldn’t remember that much I would be running about frantically trying to figure out what was going on. She was very laid back at first and it took me until she started figuring everything out to really get hooked. But once I did it was GREAT. I loved the end.

    I can’t believe I read 6 books this month. That’s a record so far. I’m going to try to keep it up. I’m reading another marriage book seeing as I’m just 2 and a half months from the wedding!! It’s also on my March goals and I want to be as prepared for marriage as I can be when the time comes.

    Have any suggestions for me? Have you read any of these books – what did you think?