• Life

    Monthly Goals: February

    January was a really great month. It had its ups and downs just like any other month, but overall it was really nice. The weather wasn’t anywhere near as cold as January usually is, which I think helped my mood out a lot. I can say going into February though that I feel like I have finally transitioned over into being used to “working from home”. It was a little bit of a bumpy ride trying to find a nice groove again, but I feel really encouraged and happy with where I’m currently at. So let’s take a look at how I did on my January goals, shall we? 🙂

    • Workout 2-3x per week – Nope, but I will keep adding this to my goals until it happens!
    • Read two books I’m kind of cheating on this one, but I am ALMOST finished with the two books, and I definitely carved out way more time to read this month than I normally do so I’m counting that as a win!
    • Spend time with God every day I need to work on staying on track on the weekends, but I’m pretty proud of myself overall. I just finished the book of Isaiah today.
    • Complete the Wife After God Devotional While I still do have a few days left, I spent almost every day in January going through this study and it’s been awesome.
    • Clean out the bedroom closet YES. I finally had the time to get to this and it has made all the difference. I talked about it in this post if you’re interested.
    • Journal more Having more time in the mornings has definitely helped me with this one.
    • Blog at least 2-3x a week Yay, I’m super happy to say that since I announced that I am blogging full-time, I have stuck to posting Monday-Friday!
    • Celebrate mine and Tommy’s birthday See post here.
    • Take more baths

    Not too bad! I will admit that I stretched a few of those to say that they were actually completed but I am really learning to give myself some grace lately and realize that not everything is going to be perfect. I’m learning to be okay with that!

    February Goals

    • Celebrate our first married Valentines Day!
    • Read two books
    • Clean out the pantry
    • Clean out our drawers
    • Finish crocheting the blanket I’m working on
    • Consistently blog Monday-Friday
    • Pray for Tommy every day
    • Create a cleaning schedule
    • Create a blogging schedule for the month
    • Workout 2-3x’s per month
    • Get used to waking up at 7 am

    I’m feeling hopeful this month. I’m a little worried about the working out goal but I really need to get into a habit of working out so there it is. Maybe this will be the lucky month that I actually stick to it. 😉 I need all of your helpful workout tips! I’m linking up with Autumn for #MonthlyGold. Come join us!

    What are your goals for February?